DFKI-Spinoff Dacos receives Venture Funding

According to Computerwoche, 5 year old-start-up Dacos received venture funding.

“Dacos Software offers retail companies totally novel opportunities for finding the optimal assortment mix as well as promotion and pricing strategies. By using methods of artificial intelligence for modeling consumers as “software agents”, Dacos enables its customers to simulate the shopping behaviour of consumers better than with any other conventional method.”
Takeaway: The amount of data we are generating every day cannot be put into numbers anymore. Applications like Dacos try to provide insights into the enourmous bits and bytes generated every day in the retail or financial market. Clearly, there is a growing market opportunity for such companies.
Recommendations: Although BI and analytics have been around for quite some time, it is still a night-mare to get critical, real-time insights into data. I am sure are more start-ups popping up in this space…
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